Yesterday, 21:00
League, matchday 1
Santiago Bernabeu
13 116

Match Report

0 - 2
Brian Gibbson (44.)
Brian Gibbson (65.)


The match is completed.

Minute 91
Zenobio Lampanelli tries it with a strong shoot... but missed.
Minute 90
Ecke für BARCA BALKAN. Stone Hussain spielt auf Zenobio Lampanelli...
Minute 90
Williams Wigley shoots... but the goalkeeper dives to get the ball.
Minute 89
Edward James has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... and looses the tackling.
Minute 89
Substitution! Jack Wayne in Carr Watson out.
Minute 88
Miriši na fritulu changes tactics.
Minute 88
Cross by Zenobio Lampanelli... into the clouds!
Minute 86
AMB changes tactics.
Minute 85
Ed Fisher tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 84
Anthony Stevens passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 83
Substitution! Anthony Stevens in Daniel Sharp out.
Minute 82
Header by Hyde Boyle... that was close.
Minute 81
Edward James has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... and looses the tackling.
Minute 79
Substitution! Williams Wigley in Gary Brown out.
Minute 79
Substitution! Hyde Boyle in Jefferson Harrison out.
Minute 78
Edward James runs towards Jefferson Harrison... and looses the ball.
Minute 77
Jefferson Harrison lets taken away the ball.
Minute 76
Miriši na fritulu changes tactics.
Minute 76
Gary Brown tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 73
Substitution! Edward James in Tobias Herzog out.
Minute 72
White Richards has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... and looses the tackling.
Minute 71
Jefferson Harrison passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 70
AMB changes tactics.
Minute 67
Bean Anderson passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 65 - Goal!
Tooor für BARCA BALKAN! Anselmo Trentino legt auf Brian Gibbson ab, der nur noch einschieben muss.
Minute 65
Anselmo Trentino in a tackling... and wins it!
Minute 64
Ethan Gibbson passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 60
Header by Zenobio Lampanelli... that was close.
Minute 55
Alfie Price tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 54
Ethan Gibbson passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 52
AMB changes tactics.
Minute 52
Tobias Herzog tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 51
Cross by Gary Brown... into the clouds!
Minute 49
Jefferson Harrison runs towards his opponent and wins the tackling!
Minute 48
Zenobio Lampanelli passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.

Half-time break! Score: 0:1

Minute 44 - Goal!
Tooor für BARCA BALKAN! Anselmo Trentino legt auf Brian Gibbson ab, der nur noch einschieben muss.
Minute 44
Thomas Lewis lets taken away the ball.
Minute 43
Cross by Russell Evans... into the clouds!
Minute 41
Gary Brown in a tackling... and wins it!
Minute 39
Stone Hussain tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 37
Cross by White Richards... into the clouds!
Minute 36
Cross by Jefferson Harrison... into the clouds!
Minute 32
Bean Anderson has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... and looses the tackling.
Minute 31
Stone Hussain passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 30
Miriši na fritulu changes tactics.
Minute 29
Carr Watson passes the ball... and the ball is out.
Minute 27
Bean Anderson has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... but he can win the tackling.
Minute 26
Bean Anderson has the ball and sees his opponent in front of him... but he can win the tackling.
Minute 25
Cross by Gary Brown... into the clouds!
Minute 24
Gary Brown steals his opponent's ball in a tackling.
Minute 22
Anselmo Trentino passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 20
Zenobio Lampanelli in a tackling... and wins it!
Minute 19
Cross by Zenobio Lampanelli... into the clouds!
Minute 14
Alfie Price shoots... but missed.
Minute 14
Brian Gibbson in a tackling... and looses it!
Minute 12
Miriši na fritulu changes tactics.
Minute 12
Ed Fisher passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 10
Ecke für FC Gorica. Thomas Lewis spielt auf Tobias Herzog...
Minute 10
Carr Watson has the chance to shoot... and cannot even target the goal.
Minute 9
Anselmo Trentino tries to pass the ball to the strikers... but misses!
Minute 7
Tobias Herzog in a tackling... and looses it!
Minute 6
Stone Hussain passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.
Minute 3
Header by Carr Watson... that was close.
Minute 1
Ethan Gibbson passes the ball towards the centre... but the opponent catches it.

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